El Tren


El Tren

Lo contemplamos en toda orilla de pesca, pero ese fue Mi recibimiento en la Península de Araya. Al entrar, sin Haber llegado a ninguna población estaba el tren de pesca ellos al ser alertados por los vigías colocan sea grandes y largar redes. Por el paso del cardun de peces. Una vez las redes están llenas las van cerrando a fin de que reste unas bandas
Pequeñas para halarlo a tierra y obtener la pesca.

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35 Comentarios

  1. El tren de Pesca para eso es necesario que los pescadores se sientan cómodos pescando con la ayuda de sus grandes redes.

  2. what a about fishing in deep this way is for who don t have boats


    1. Several small boats spread out one enormous net in a semi-circle. When they think the fish are in or over the net, the boats come together, closing the net. Then the people on the shore begin to pull the net in. This can take many hours, often more than a day. As you can imagine, it is hard work for everyone. Anyone can join in the work of pulling in the net, and they all get some fish.

  3. Very good article and i love these type of blogs to read.You are doing a good work and a good blogger also.keep it up .lol

  4. this is very nice article, I like it

  5. this is very nice article, I like this

  6. Great article, nice writing skills

  7. Respuestas
    1. Para esos pescadores es su diario vivir, gracias por comentar.

  8. nice one, interesting information!

  9. Great article, nice writing skills and very informative.

  10. Esta forma de pescar viene siendo parte de su cultura que va de generacion en generacion. bella cultura exelente articulo.

  11. Nice and very informative thanks for this information sir..it is good

  12. amazing and very interesting thaks for this information

  13. very interesting project . good luck

  14. This is a very Hard work in this world. Fishing and Training is a good way. Thanks for information.

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  16. amazing and very interesting thaks for this information😍😍

  17. You said perfect as I Know that Once the networks are full, they close them so that some bands remain
    Small to pull it to land. Very informative article.
